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費利斯·比托中國影像集 費利斯·比托中國影像集 費利斯·比托中國影像集 費利斯·比托中國影像集 費利斯·比托中國影像集 費利斯·比托中國影像集 費利斯·比托中國影像集 費利斯·比托中國影像集 費利斯·比托中國影像集

4 條評論

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撰於2016年10月28日 | 4 條評論 | 歸類於 | 撰自未曾


此套《費利斯·比托中國影像集》由著名戰地攝影師Felice Beato拍攝。此內含照片110張,大致拍攝於1860至1871年,拍攝地涉及香港,廣州,北京,天津。其拍攝了通州燃燈塔、安定門、清漪園、天安門、雍和宮等,是現在所見老北京最早的照片。此集整理自蓋蒂博物館。

1860年Felice Beato前往中國擔任英法聯軍的隨軍攝影記者。比托在3月抵達香港,並立刻開始拍攝這個城市與鄰近地區,最遠到廣州。比托在中國拍的照片是中國最早的照片之一。在香港期間,費利斯·比托跟了藝術家及《倫敦新聞畫報》的記者──查爾斯·威格曼(Charles Wirgman)會面。兩人於英法部隊陪同下以北行駛至大連灣、北塘與海河河口的大沽炮台,接着又到了北京以及位於郊區的清漪園。威格曼在《倫敦新聞畫報》上經常使用比托的作品。比托在中國北方拍攝了大量的殘酷戰爭的場景,記錄了北京皇家園林的破壞和英法聯軍對天津的占領。作為為數不多的隨軍攝影師,他有機會接觸並拍攝了恭親王奕,並有幸成為了第一位拍攝中國皇室成員的外國攝影師。


頁1:Portrait of General Sir Hope Grant,1860
頁2:View of Hong Kong,March 1860
頁3:Modern Building and View of Hong Kong,March 1860
頁4:View in Hong-Kong - Bungalow of French Admiral in Foreground,1860
頁5:View in Hong-Kong - The Episcopal Church - The Goverment Palace and Hurd & Co.'s American Mercantile House - The Plaza in Foreground,1860
頁6:Howqua's Gardens, Canton,August - October 1860
頁7:Joss House, Canton,August - October 1860
頁8:Parade Gnomio, Canton,August - October 1860
頁9:Portrait of Mr. Watson,August - October 1860
頁10:Portrait of Brigadier General Sir Charles Van Straubenzee,August - October 1860
頁11:Lieutenant General Sir Hope Grant,August - October 1860
頁12:Panorama of Hong Kong, showing the Fleet for North China Expedition,March 1, 1860
頁13:Panorama of Hong Kong, taken from Happy Valley,1860
頁14:Panorama - First Arrival of Chinese Expeditionary Force,March 1860
頁15:Panorama - Odin Bay,negative June 21 - July 21, 186
頁16:Panorama - Talien Whan Bay,June 21, 1860
頁17:Panorama - View of Pehtung, August 1st, 1860
頁18:Entrance to Treasury, Canton, China,April 10, 1860
頁19:Temple of the Tartar Quarter, Canton,negative April 1860
頁20:Entrance of the Five Genii Temple, Canton, China,April 1860
頁21:Five Genii Temple, from the name Hui Tuh Kung, Canton, China,April 10, 1860
頁22:Chinese Theatre, Canton,negative April 1860
頁23:Nine-storied Pagoda and Tartar Street, Canton,negative April 1860
頁24:Yamun Tartar Quarter - Canton - The Residence of the Tartar General,April 1860
頁25:Temple of Confucius, Canton, China,April 1860
頁26:Confucius, Canton, China,April 1860
頁27:Nume Hui Uck Kung, Canton, China,April 1860
頁28:Treasury Street, Canton,negative April 1860
頁29:Temple in North Street, Canton, China,April 1860
頁30:East Street from the Treasury, Canton,negative April 1860
頁31:Five Genii Temple, Canton, China,April 1860
頁32:Shuy-yiet-Koon, North Street, Canton, China,April 1860
頁33:Chinese Merchant's House, Canton, China,April 1860
頁34:Commissioners Yamun, Canton, China,April 1860
頁35:Arch in Confucius' Temple, Canton, China,April 1860
頁36:Nume Hui Kung Temple, Canton, China,April 1860
頁37:Temple in Tartar Quarter, Canton, China,April 1860
頁38:Mahomedan Mosque, Canton, China,April 1860
頁39:Mahomedan Mosque, Canton, China,negative April 1860
頁40:Five-storied Pagoda, Canton, China,April 1860
頁41:Headquarters House, 1st Division, Pehtung, China,1860
頁42:Portrait of Prince Kung, Brother of the Emperor of China, Who Signed the Treaty,November 2, 1860
頁43:Portrait of Lord Elgin, Plenipotentiary and Ambassador, Who Signed the Treaty,November 2, 1860
頁44:Interior of the Pehtang Fort Showing the Magazine and Wooden Gun, August 1st, 1860
頁45:Interior of the Pehtang Fort Showing the Magazine and Wooden Gun, August 1st, 1860
頁47:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21-22, 1860
頁48:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21-22, 1860
頁49:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21-22, 1860
頁50:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21, 1860
頁51:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21, 1860
頁52:Interior of the Angle of North Fort Immediately after Its Capture,August 21-22, 1860
頁53:Exterior of North Fort, Showing the English Entrance,August 21-22, 1860
頁54:Rear of the North Fort after its capture, showing the Retreat of the Chinese Army,August 21, 1860
頁55:Panorama - Interior of the North Fort after its capture,August 21, 1860
頁56:Interior of the Second North Fort, After its Surrender,August 21, 1860
頁57:Interior of North Fort, Showing the Chinese Encampment, August 21st, 1860
頁58:Interior of North Fort showing the Chinese Encampment,August 25, 1861
頁59:Position Taken Up by the English and French Troops Within the Enclosure of the "Temple of the Earth",1860
頁60:Interior of the North East Fort,1860
頁61:North East Corner of the Wall of Peking,1860
頁62:The Imperial Porcelain Palace, Peking,1860
頁63:Interior of the Tomb at the Depot near Peking,October 3-5, 1860
頁64:Pehtang, "Probyn's Horse," in the Foreground,1860
頁65:Entrance to the Fortified Town of Pauku,1860
頁66:The Bridge of Paletchow Showing the Grand Paved Road Between Peking and Tongchow,1860
頁67:Top of the Wall of Peking,October 14, 1860 or later
頁68:Shops and Street, Chinese City of Peking,1860
頁69:Street and Shops in the Tartar City of Pekin, October 29, 1860
頁70:Wall of Peking,1860
頁71:Tung Choon Pagoda,September 23, 1860
頁72:Junks, China,1860
頁73:Building and Camera, China,1860
頁74:Temple Gateway, China,1860
頁75:Chinese interpreters with Secretary Drew and Minister Low in Cabin of the U.S. Flag Ship Colorado,1871
頁76:Interior of Fort McKee,1871
頁77:Pehtung Fort, August 1st, 1860
頁78:Staff Headquarters, Pehtung Fort,negative August 1, 1860
頁79:Interior of Pehtung Fort, Showing Probyn's Horse and Camp,negative August 1, 1860
頁80:Tangkoo Fort after its Capture, Showing the French and English Entrance, August 10th, 1860
頁81:Exterior of North Fort on Peiho River, showing the English and French Entrance,August 10, 1860
頁82:Anting Gate of Peking after the Surrender,1860
頁83:First view seen in Peking taken from Anting Gate,1860
頁84:Position taken up by the English and French within the Enclosure of the Temple of the Earth,1860
頁85:Panorama of Peking, Taken from the South Gate, Leading into the Chinese City,negative October 1860
頁86:Entrance to Winter Palace in Peking,October 29, 1860
頁87:View of the Imperial Winter Palace, Peking, showing the Artificial Hill,October 29, 1860
頁88:Temple of Confucius, Peking,negative October 1860
頁89:Interior and Arches of the Temple of Heaven, Where the Emperor Sacrifices Once a Year in the Chinese City, Peking,negative October 1860
頁90:Temple of Heaven from the Place Where the Priests Are Burnt,negative October 1860
頁91:Sacred Temple of Heaven,negative October 1860
頁92:Mosque, near Peking, Occupied by the Commander in Chief and Lord Elgin,negative October 3-5, 1860
頁93:View of the Imperial Summer Palace, Yuen-Ming-Yuen, after the Burning, Taken from the Lake, Peking,negative October 18, 1860
頁94:Pagoda up in the Hill, - Summer Palace, Yuen-Ming-Yuen, Peking,October 18, 1860
頁95:Architectural View of the Lama Temple near Peking,October 18, 1860
頁96:Arch in the Lama Temple Near Pekin, October, 1860
頁97:Part of the Entrance to the Lama Temple near Peking,October 18, 1860
頁98:Imperial Summer Palace before the of Burning Yuan Ming Yuan, October 18, 1860
頁99:First View seen in Pekin Taken from Antin Gate, October 1860
頁100:Imperial Winter Palace, Pekin, October 29, 1860
頁101:The Great Imperial Winter Palace, Pekin, October 29, 1860
頁102:View of the Gardens and Buddhist Temple, Pekin, October 1860
頁103:Great Pagoda in Gardens of Imperial Winter Palace,1860
頁104:Thibetan Monument in the Lama Temple Near Pekin, August 1860
頁105:View of the Summer Palace. Yuan Ming Yuan Pagoda. Before the Burning, Pekin, October 18, 1860
頁106:The Great Imperial Palace (Yuan Ming Yuan) Before the Burning, Pekin, October 18, 1860
頁107:Carved Tomb of the Depot near Pekin, The Place Where the Guns and Ammunition Were Left When the Army Marched to Pekin, October 1860
頁108:Interior of a Cemetery Near Pongchow,1860
頁109:Exterior of the Tomb Depot, near Pekin, October 1860
頁110:Tomb near Pa-li-k'um. The Scene of the Commencement of the Attack on the 21st September 1860 near Pekin



費利斯·比托(Felice Beato,生於1833年或1834年,1929年逝),是一位具有英國與意大利雙重國籍的攝影師。他是最早拍攝東亞地區的攝影師之一,也是最早的戰地攝影師之一。他所拍攝的風俗鏡頭、人物肖像以及亞洲與地中海地區的美麗風景與建築的全景極負盛名。比特遊覽過許多地方,並通過它的攝像鏡頭拍攝了那裡的風土人情,包括各個國家、國家人民及所經歷的事件等,這些照片具有很強的說服力與感染力,並且被永久保存至今。比特也正是通過這樣的機會使歐洲與北美民眾對那些陌生的國度有一個深刻的印象。直到今天,比特所提供的照片仍然作為一些事件,例如1857年印度民族起義、第二次鴉片戰爭等的重要資料。他也是最早通過照片來描述有價值的新聞事件,即被稱為圖片新聞報道。比特同時對其他攝影師的影響很大,尤其是對於日本的許多攝影師來說影響極為深刻、持久,皆因比特在日本工作時曾開過課教授眾多攝影師和藝術家之故。

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文件名:費利斯·比托中國影像集.By Felice Beato.書籤注釋.約拍攝於1860至1871年



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    謝謝書格 謝謝未曾先生

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  6. 書格使我打開了新世界的大門

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  8. 匿名

    喜歡看這些記載了歷史的舊照片 。支持書格!

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  12. 朱曦

